Tutorial viewed            times

1st line:

After placing the command blocks like in the video, paste the listed commands always starting from the bottom command block and then going up.

/testforblock 228 4 35 wooden_button 10

​/fill 232 5 36 229 6 36 air

​/setblock 228 4 35 stone_button 2

​/testforblock 228 4 35 stone_button 10

​/fill 232 5 36 229 6 36 wool 15

​/setblock 228 4 35 wooden_button 2

2nd line:

/testforblock 228 7 35 stone_button 10

/tp @e[type=!player,x=231,y=5,z=38,r=4] ~ ~-500 ~

​/testforblock 228 7 35 stone_button 10

​/clone 205 3 41 200 7 44 228 3 38 replace force

​/summon villager 229 5 39

​/setblock 228 7 35 stone_button 2

Command blocks